Bulgarian British Partnership
- Property for Sale in Bulgaria
Helping to bring out the best in Britain and the best in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian British Partnership is a UK based company, with Professionally Qualified Staff working in both the UK and Bulgaria.
Property for sale in Bulgaria;Language & Business Services
Detached Property in Rural Setting with Outbuildings.
ASKING PRICE: Approximately £5,816 (13,500 Bulgarian Lev; 6,900 Euro).
IMPORTANT NOTE: This property, like many properties in the villages, is in need of some repair and would need to be improved to meet modern standards.
No safety checks have been carried out and a survey of this Bulgarian Property has not been undertaken. Services (For example, Water, Electricity, Gas, Sewerage, Cesspits, Septic Tanks) have not been tested or checked.We cannot verify the availability or suitability of Well Water. We rely on Vendors to provide us with accurate information, however, if you are interested in buying this Bulgarian Property we strongly recommend that all details are verified via your Solicitor. Nevertheless, we hope you will agree that for the price, properties such as this hold a lot of potential for providing a great rural retreat in Bulgaria. Many of the Village Properties have very good sized areas of land, which can be used to create beautiful gardens, and/or growing Grape Vines, Fruit Trees and/or Vegetables. You may (subject to planning and regulations) consider extending, as well as renovating a building, or even maybe replace the existing building with a new build to meet with your particular requirements.
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If you would like to arrange to view this Bulgarian Property - please contact us. You might also be interested in considering our Property Related Services. We can help you to organise any building work you would like carried out.
Corner-sited Property set in approximately 1,360 sq.metres of land (exact area to be confirmed). There is a Garage and Outbuildings.
Steps down to Cellar Rooms, where there are 3 good-sized Rooms; steps up to First Floor Landing; door to Large Conservatory Room; Separate double entrance doors to Hall; good-sized Kitchen, with sink; Bedroom; Sitting Room.
GARDEN/LAND: Concreted Forecourt, with Outside Sink; Pedestrian Access Gate and Two Double Entrance Gates (one to the Garage and the other double entrance gate providing access to a Large Outbuilding). Grape Vines over path/forecourt area; Large Rear Garden with Walnut Tree.
OUTBUILDINGS: One Outbuilding is attached to the House and the other Outbuilding is Detached.
SERVICES: We have been informed that there is mains water, however, your Solicitor should confirm this. There also appears to be well water. Electricity available.