Bulgarian British Partnership
- Property for Sale in Bulgaria
Helping to bring out the best in Britain and the best in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian British Partnership is a UK based company, with Professionally Qualified Staff working in both the UK and Bulgaria.
Property for sale in Bulgaria;Language & Business Services
About Prohod Village - where we have some properties for sale in Burgas, Bulgaria:

Where is Prohod?
Prohod is circled in green on the Map. It is about 10 km from Sredets and 40 km from Burgas and the Black Sea Coast.

Prohod Village Centre, where we have some Bulgarian properties for sale.
Prohod is a small village in the District of Sredets, Burgas Region - South-East Bulgaria. Property for sale at low prices, in a Great Retreat.
There are less than 150 inhabitants in the village. It has a local Church, Council Building and Park Area. It is a pretty vilage, there are pleasant scenes and views.
It has some Tradtional Houses and Modern Houses.
We would be pleased to take you to Prohod to see some of the houses we have for sale there. Great Retreats for less than £10,000. We can also offer you temporary Guest House Accommodation, Project Manage Building Work for you and help you to get settled in to life in Bulgaria.
The Postcode for Prohod is 8336
The Telephone Local Code is 05557
Some Photographs taken of Prohod, subsequent to which is more general information about the culture and lifestyle in Bulgaria:

Prohod Village Church

The road into Prohod Village Centre (as approached from Sredets).

A typical Traditional Rural Property for sale in Bulgaria. We have property for sale in Prohod - a great retreat, pleasantly located, with beautiful views - for less than £10,000. Contact us please if you would like to view properties in Prohod.

Detached Property for sale, with large Outbuildings, large garden and great views. Where else in the world could you buy a house for so little. This would make a good holiday home or would be nice to retire to. British money goes a lot further in Bulgaria.
Prohod Village Park

Prohod Meeting Centre

Prohod Centre Square, with park on left and Meeting Centre/Shop on right.

A Cellar in Prohod stocked up with preserves. Many Bulgarians produce home-made preserves/honey, have fresh eggs and fresh fruit and vegetables from their own gardens.

The Main Road to Sredets Town Centre, which is only 10 km away.
Please click this button if you would like more information about Bulgarian Culture/Lifestyle: