Bulgarian British Partnership
- Property for Sale in Bulgaria
Helping to bring out the best in Britain and the best in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian British Partnership is a UK based company, with Professionally Qualified Staff working in both the UK and Bulgaria.
Property for sale in Bulgaria;Language & Business Services
Christina, Partner, Teacher and Manager
Nick, our UK Consultant, Property and Conservation
Dinko, our Qualified Master Builder
Bulgarian British Partnership has been established by UK Citizens. We decided to set this company up for the following reasons:
Approximately eight years ago we bought a Bulgarian Property, which was initially intended as a Holiday Home. However, we increasingly spent more time in Bulgaria and decided to establish Business Links between the UK and Bulgaria.
On first arriving in Bulgaria we could hardly speak any Bulgarian at all and no one in our Village understood the English Language. Because of the Language difficulties, it was quite challenging to arrange Building Renovation Work, to find out how to pay various Bills, where to go Shopping and generally - how to survive in Bulgaria on a daily basis.
We experienced some problems (through no fault of our own): we trusted companies and were sometimes let down; we were occasionally over-charged for goods and services and we felt at risk of being 'led up the garden path'. Nevertheless, over time we found companies and individuals that we could trust and learned how the various systems and utilities operated in Bulgaria. We also learned how to speak Bulgarian.
We decided to apply our qualifications and practical experience in Bulgaria to establishing a company that would serve our clients well and help British people to avoid some of the problems that can arise. Bulgaria is a beautiful country and the very large majority of Bulgarians are friendly and trustworthy. However, sadly, Tourists and Foreigners can sometimes be targeted. Because we liked Bulgaria so much we also wanted to establish professional business links between Bulgaria and Britain.