Bulgarian British Partnership
- Property for Sale in Bulgaria
Helping to bring out the best in Britain and the best in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian British Partnership is a UK based company, with Professionally Qualified Staff working in both the UK and Bulgaria.
Property for sale in Bulgaria;Language & Business Services
A semi-detached property situated in a pleasant street just a few hundred yards from Sredets Town Centre.
No safety checks have been carried out and a survey of this Bulgarian Property has not been undertaken. Services (For example, Water, Electricity, Gas, Sewerage, Cesspits, Septic Tanks) have not been tested or checked.We cannot verify the availability or suitability of Well Water. We rely on Vendors to provide us with accurate information, however, if you are interested in buying this Bulgarian Property we strongly recommend that all details are verified via your Solicitor.
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If you would like to arrange to view this Bulgarian Property - please contact us. You might also be interested in considering our Property Related Services. We can help you to organise any building work you would like carried out.
Semi-detached,two-storey, House set in a plot of 250 square metres and offering approx. 66 square metres of accommodation. It is very conveniently located for the Town Centre.
DESCRIPTION: GROUND FLOOR ACCOMMODATION: Side Entrance door to enclosed Entrance Porch, with sink and hot water boiler (not tested); door to W.C., main boiler, shower and sink (none of which have been tested; Reception Room; Double Bedroom; Living Room.
FIRST FLOOR ACCOMMODATION: Entrance Hall; Bedroom; Lounge, with door to Dining Room; Storage Room.
GARDEN/LAND/OUTSIDE/OUTBUILDINGS:Double Entrance Gates to Paved Area, with overhead grapevine, leading to Shed; Forecourt/Outside Seating Area. At the rear of the property there is an Outside Sink, a Storage Room for Logs and a gate to the Rear Garden.
SERVICES: We understand that mains services are available (please confirm this via your Solicitor prior to entering into any contract to buy or paying any deposit on the property).
MISC: This property is conveniently and pleasantly located in Sredets. Whilst you may wish to carry out some further modernisation works, it could be moved into/is potentially liveable in its present condition.