Bulgarian British Partnership
- Property for Sale in Bulgaria
Helping to bring out the best in Britain and the best in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian British Partnership is a UK based company, with Professionally Qualified Staff working in both the UK and Bulgaria.
Property for sale in Bulgaria;Language & Business Services
ABOUT BELILA: Below you will find some basic information about Belila and some general images of Belila. If you like Belila (who wouldn't? It is convenient, just 10 minutes from excellent amenities and 30 minutes from the beach, yet quiet and beautiful) we have Land and Houses there for sale.
Where is Belila?
The Location of Belila is indicated by the Green Circle on the Map (very close to the Town of Sredets).Belila is a small village situated between Prohod and Sredets.
It is approximately 7 km (4 miles)
from Sredets; 35 Km (22 miles) from Burgas.
Belila is on the south-eastern side of Bulgaria, the
Black Sea Coast Area of Bulgaria.
There between 50 to 100 people living in Belila.
Belila comes under the Municipality of Sredets and
the Region of Burgas.
Below are some images of Belila. We have Land and Property for sale in Belila.

Belila Landscape
Main Road in Village

Belila Church

Belila Village Track

Centre of Belila Village

Part of Landscape in Belila Village

Monument in Belila Village Centre

Belila Village Scenery

Belila Village
We have a lovely Plot of Land for Sale in Belila where you can build your own House. We also have a partially modernised House there. Please contact us to arrange a viewing.